PrOF. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis FRSA
Chief Academic Officer GUS Germany GmbH (GGG)
Provost & Chief Academic Officer Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)
Professor at Uninettuno University Rome, Italy
President at Atheneum Liberal Studies Ltd
Honorary Chancellor Longford International College, Ireland
GUS Germany GmbH (GGG)
- Chief Academic Officer 2025 - Present
GUS Germany GmbH (GGG) is a dynamic network of world-class higher education institutions with a strong presence in Germany, Europe, and beyond.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation
- Provost & Chief Academic Officer 2019 - Present
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) is located in the heart of Berlin. The school is focused on helping graduates to become exceptional leaders in their chosen field.
The school has three concepts at heart
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Success
Every course that this institute offers is designed with these principles in mind, and this has led to every to improving practical business skills and the understanding of the industry. The school impresses on the tools and information that is needed for the possible success of the student in highly competitive industries. The students who choose to study at BSBI also receive extensive career support as well starting with internships.
Global Degree Foundation
- Executive Director & Founder 2022 - Present
The Global Degree Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation aiming to establish on a global scale a a new institutional model for higher education. This idea was conceived to fill a gap in international higher education, developing a concise and innovative system that blends conventional, distance and hybrid learning without abolishing existing structures.
The Global Degree initiative aims to acknowledge that learning has evolved alongside technology and international mobility, whilst devising a new approach to deliver a truly global education experience reflecting on the themes of accessibility and inclusion.www.globaldegreefoundation.com
International Telematic University Uninettuno
- Professor 2009 - Present
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is an institution which students can attend with no more space and time limits. At UNINETTUNO, prestigious professors from the most important universities of the world teach courses in various languages in both real classrooms and virtual ones on the Internet. Students come from over 170 countries across the world.
Many are the international awards and prizes proving the UNINETTUNO’s excellence of at global level: it was recognized by UNESCO as one of the universities working and orienting its actions towards the achievement of the 17 “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” of the United Nations; it received a mention of honor at 2017 IELA (International E-Learning Award - Academic Division) and the US portal E-Learning Inside included it among the 5 Top Stories for 2017, at global level, in the field of e-learning. UNINETTUNO is a member of the #JoinTogether network supported by the UN and established to concretize the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDG16) of the 2030 UN Agenda, that are also connected to the democratization of the access to knowledge.
On the satellite channel, uninettunouniversity.tv and on the Web TV www.uninettuno.tv it is possible to follow videolessons 24 hours a day.
Atheneum Liberal Studies Ltd
- President 2007 - Present
Atheneum Liberal Studies (ALS) is a pioneer and innovative educational organization, established in 2007 utilising the latest developments in training, information technology and expertise in higher education with a vision to promote scientific knowledge at all levels. With activities and services for students, academics and professionals, its mission spreads in most of the related fields and domains. Atheneum’s activities are supported with programs and projects, which range from providing open knowledge resources, telematic and distant learning education and higher education consulting to developing global networks and strategic alliances. Its scope reaches all around the world as it has affiliations with organisations and institutions on a global scale that aim to promote higher education mobility and transnational cooperation.
Longford International College, Ireland
- Honorary Chancellor 2020 - Present
Longford College is both an online and face to face institution. We have partnered with many universities around the world to bring you real choice and flexibility.
Our approach is to balance the academic with the practical. Our programs are designed to enhance your academic knowledge while, the same time, keep you practically grounded and much sought after for employers.https://longfordcollege.com
Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
- 2022 - Present
The dividing line between the Few and the Many must run through each individual, not between individuals.
Knowledge Management
International Relations
European Integration
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
International Relations and European Integration, PhD 1995 - 1999
Ranked among the best in the world by the most recent Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Newcastle University is in its global top 200. Newcastle University has a world-class reputation for research excellence verified by the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) considering Newcastle’s research as ‘World leading’.
Lancaster University
Diplomacy, MA 1994 - 1995
Ranked in the global top 1%, Lancaster is a collegiate university with a world-class reputation for teaching and research. Lancaster's research has been rated as world leading.
University of Wales, Bangor
Linguistics, Certificate 1993 - 1994
Bangor University is a Welsh university based in the city of Bangor in the county of Gwynedd in North Wales. In 2012 Bangor was ranked 251 of the world's top universities. According to the Sunday Times University Guide 2012, it is rated top in Wales for teaching excellence and places in the top 15 UK universities in this category.
Aristoteleion Panepistimion Thessalonikis
English Literature and Linguistics, Ptychion 1990 - 1994
AUTh is the largest comprehensive University in Greece. It is widely recognized as a vibrant center of learning which draws its inspiration from a long tradition of academic achievement. It is the largest university in Greece and in the Balkans.
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